Man documenting his dog bite injury

How to Document Your Injuries After a Dog Bite in New York

Dogs provide people with protection, companionship, entertainment, and more. Most people with pet dogs consider them to be a part of the family. Unfortunately, however, dogs sometimes attack, and the resulting injuries can be severe. Dogs cause countless injuries every year in the U.S. Therefore, it’s important to know how to react...

How to Document Your Injuries After a Dog Bite in New York Continue reading…
Dog laying on the floor

Steps to Take Immediately After a Dog Bite in Long Island

Dogs provide humans with companionship, protection, and much more. In fact, most dog owners view their pets as part of the family. However, what happens when man’s best friend attacks? Unfortunately, dogs are responsible for countless injuries every year in the United States. Therefore, it’s important to understand what to do following...

Steps to Take Immediately After a Dog Bite in Long Island Continue reading…
Dog being aggressive towards people who pass by

The Role of the “One-Bite Rule” in New York Dog Bite Case

Dog bites can cause serious injuries. Unfortunately, dog bite victims often find themselves confused about their legal rights. This is partially due to what is commonly referred to as the “one-bite rule.” Under the one-bite rule, a dog bite victim generally can’t obtain compensation for a dog bite injury unless that dog...

The Role of the “One-Bite Rule” in New York Dog Bite Case Continue reading…