Man with an amputation sitting on the couch
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By Joseph Dell
Managing Partner

An amputation is one of the most life-changing injuries a person can suffer. Depending on the situation, an amputation can prevent a person from participating in certain activities, obtaining or keeping certain kinds of jobs, fostering personal relationships, and more. Fortunately, if you have suffered an amputation, and it is the result of a personal injury, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. In this article, we discuss what to expect and the next steps following amputation. 

The Amputation Procedure

Regardless of whether it happens in an accident or is performed after an accident by medical professionals, an amputation typically requires surgery and results in a lengthy hospital stay. Specifically, amputations usually require between one and two weeks in the hospital. Amputation is usually performed with general or spinal anesthesia, and it involves the removal of all damaged tissue from the affected area. The amputation process includes the removal of damaged bone and tissue, the sealing off of nerves and blood vessels, the smoothing of uneven areas of bone, and the shaping of the end of the limb in order to attach an artificial limb.

Recovery Period

It typically takes between four and eight weeks to recover from an amputation. While in the hospital, the hospital staff teaches the victim how to monitor healing and change the dressing on the wound. If the victim experienced mental or physical trauma following the amputation, the doctor may prescribe additional care and treatment. Physical therapy often starts soon after surgery, and an amputation victim is usually fitted with an artificial limb within ten to fourteen days.

Long-term rehabilitation is also usually required after an amputation, which can include training to relearn how to perform daily activities, exercises to improve muscle control and strength, and emotional support. However, recovery, rehabilitation, surgery, hospitalization, and other amputation requirements are extremely expensive, making it imperative to seek legal assistance as soon as possible following an amputation. 

Compensation for Amputation

As an amputation victim, you may be entitled to significant compensation for your injury. Some of the damages to which you may be entitled after amputation include medical expenses, loss of future benefits and income, pain and suffering, lost wages, and property damage. Medical costs are often one of the biggest expenses for amputation victims. Medical expenses include rehabilitation, hospitalization, surgery, medication, treatment, recovery, medical devices, counseling, any other medical costs incurred as a result of the injury. In addition, amputation victims may be entitled to compensation for disability, disfigurement, and emotional distress. 

Next Step: Contact a Long Island & New York Personal Injury Lawyer 

If you have suffered an amputation in Long Island, the distinguished legal professionals of Dell & Dean, PLLC, are here to assist you. When you come to us for help following your injury, we will review the facts of your case, formulate a legal strategy, and aggressively pursue financial compensation from the responsible party on your behalf. Please contact us as soon as possible to arrange an initial meeting with an experienced Long Island personal injury lawyer.

About the Author
Joseph G. Dell, the firm’s Managing Partner, is regarded as one of New York State’s top trial lawyers and a zealous advocate of those injured through the negligence of others. Having founded the firm in 1994 with the singular goal of leveling the playing field for those injured, Mr. Dell has worked tirelessly for his clients since its inception. In addition to meeting with clients on a daily basis and trying cases, Mr. Dell is a frequent lecturer at Law School and Bar Associations on cases of significant importance in the fields of negligence and medical malpractice. If you have any questions regarding this article, you can contact Mr. Dell here.